Exploring Ways To Properly Vent The Roof Of Your Home
With modern day technology changing everyday there are all kinds of roof vents to choose from. What’s most important is the correct number of both intake and exhaust vents to achieve proper ventilation. 90-100 degrees in temperature is a normal summer day here in Florida. Our studies show that this sort of ambient heat places the surface temperature of your roof as hot as 150+ degrees. Your attic is the only line of defense between your air conditioned home and the 150+ degrees baking temperature on your roof. There are many benefits that proper attic ventilation can provide homeowners.
Ventilating your attic space will allow hot air to escape more efficiently, and cool air to enter through the soffit vents. The result, is a reduction in temperature that makes cooling your home in those hot summer months a lot easier for your air conditioning unit AND your wallet.
With this increase in air flow efficiency, proper ventilation can help prevent moisture buildup in your attic and greatly reduces your chance mold and mildew. This will also help increase the life of your home’s insulation by preventing condensation.
Proper Ventilation is the easiest way to ensure your roof lasts it’s full lifespan. “Blistering” is very common here in Florida due to poor ventilation your shingles granules will “blister” and fall out of the mat of the shingle exposing the fiberglass skeleton of your shingles.
What kind of vents should I use for my home?
Every home is built differently therefore may require a different method of ventilation. The three most common types of exhaust vents found here in Florida are:
Ridge Vents
Ridge Vents have become increasingly popular in recent years. They are designed to moderate the temperature in your attic more evenly and consistently then other options.
Ridge Vents offer a very attractive curb appeal with the raised ridge line. They work great and look even better. However, Ridge Vents lineal footage requirements are much higher, meaning this is not an option for every home. Like to find out more ridge vent options? Check out https://www.owenscorning.com/roofing/components/vent-calculator to see if this is the right fit for you.

Off Ridge Vents
The most popular and effective method of non-mechanical ventilation available in our opinion! Just one 6ft Off-Ridge Vent can ventilate up to 1600cfm. Impressive right?
While this is considered an older technology, “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”. They are made of metal rather than plastic and have been tested to resist wind speeds of 100+ mph. Some prefer the aesthetics of this type of vent as it might mimic the “ridges” of your roof line.

Solar Powered Attic Vent
Want to go green and save some money? Then the Solar Powered Roof Mounted Attic Vent is definitely for you. Do you have a hot room in your home or spend a lot of time going in and out of your attic?
A solar powered attic vent may be the solution you’ve been looking for! This is the most reliable mechanical ventilation option curently available. Temperature regulated so as your attic gets too hot, this solar powered vent start pulling that hot air up and out the exhaust fan, and sucks in cool air through your soffit vents.